Timothy Cameron

NaamTimothy Cameron
Leeftijd33 jaar en + 291 dagen

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2024-06-2216 National Championships Australia ME - GravelME10603:49:02.00027.769
2023-10-2253 Cycle Sunshine Coast009:14:32.0000
2023-10-2260 Cycle Sunshine Coast120.902:50:51.00042.458
2023-10-2152 Cycle Sunshine Coast110.202:28:49.00044.431
2023-10-2166 Cycle Sunshine Coast000:56:22.0000
2023-10-2072 Cycle Sunshine Coast000:13:31.0000
2023-10-1962 Cycle Sunshine Coast109.802:45:00.00039.927
2023-04-0275 Tour de Brisbane102.2102:22:09.00043.142
2022-01-2859 Santos Festival of Cycling002:30:31.0000
2022-01-2769 Santos Festival of Cycling002:46:49.0000
2021-05-0832 Grafton to Inverell Cycle Classic - NRS22805:57:05.00038.31
2018-09-1568 Tour of Poyang Lake112.502:41:22.00041.83
2018-09-14105 Tour of Poyang Lake10702:25:50.00044.023
2018-09-1383 Tour of Poyang Lake131.602:57:10.00044.568
2018-09-1217 Tour of Poyang Lake131.602:48:26.00046.879
2013-07-0781 Grote prijs Jean-Pierre Monseré17604:16:46.00041.127
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