Nikita Kirzhaykin

NaamNikita Kirzhaykin
Leeftijd31 jaar en + 103 dagen

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Geen deelnames.

Laatste tijdritten

2024-06-2913 Chengdu Tianfu Greenway International Cycling Race Of China - TTTme10002:06:5447.281
2024-06-1260 National Championships Russia ME - ITTme3000:39:0646.036
2024-04-3073 Russian National Championships - Uphill Time Trialme12.500:41:0718.241
2023-06-24110 Five Rings of Moscow3.800:05:1243.846

Laatste koersen

2024-12-0727 China Road Pro Cycling League - Final Stageme108.902:12:28.00049.326
2024-12-0519 China Road Pro Cycling League - Yuxi Stageme19504:25:54.00044.002
2024-12-0327 China Road Pro Cycling League - Chuxiong Stageme182.204:39:23.00039.129
2024-12-0121 China Road Pro Cycling League - Dali Stageme12202:40:29.00045.612
2024-11-1712 Tour of Mentougou International Road Cycling Raceme115.203:02:39.00037.843
2024-11-1712 Tour of Mentougou International Road Cycling Raceme004:52:56.0000
2024-11-1642 Tour of Mentougou International Road Cycling Raceme81.601:50:17.00044.395
2024-11-044 “Orient Cup” China-Yulin The 3rd International Cycling Race Along the Yellow River Sightseeing Roadme006:49:20.0000
2024-11-047 “Orient Cup” China-Yulin The 3rd International Cycling Race Along the Yellow River Sightseeing Roadme10302:25:42.00042.416
2024-11-034 “Orient Cup” China-Yulin The 3rd International Cycling Race Along the Yellow River Sightseeing Roadme95.202:24:51.00039.434
2024-11-0214 “Orient Cup” China-Yulin The 3rd International Cycling Race Along the Yellow River Sightseeing Roadme9001:58:47.00045.461
2024-10-2775 China Road Pro Cycling League - Yandang Mountain Stageme16803:59:06.00042.158
2024-09-2217 Tour of Shanghai - New Citiesme005:56:39.0000
2024-09-2223 Tour of Shanghai - New Citiesme86.301:48:39.00047.658
2024-09-2157 Tour of Shanghai - New Citiesme87.201:47:37.00048.617
2024-09-2023 Tour of Shanghai - New Citiesme11102:20:23.00047.442
2024-09-1653 Ocean Cup - Pingtan China International Cycling Open Raceme8702:12:08.00039.506
2024-08-11120 China Road Pro Cycling League - Hangkonggang Stageme183.904:05:23.00044.966
2024-07-2913 Izhevskme15013:39:10.00010.987
2024-07-21DNS Traditional Cycling Race Udmurtskaya Pravdame000:00:00.000
2024-06-30DNF Chengdu Tianfu Greenway International Cycling Race Of China - Sancha Lake Road Raceme13300:00:00.000
2024-06-25DNF China Road Pro Cycling League - Zitong Stageme186.800:00:00.000
2024-06-1632 National Championships Russia ME - Road Raceme167.403:54:15.00042.877
2024-06-0729 Ladoga’s Goldme54.401:09:56.00046.673
2024-06-0714 Ladoga’s Goldme006:58:13.0000
2024-06-0342 Ladoga’s Goldme135.203:05:47.00043.664
2024-06-0218 Ladoga’s Goldme62.401:21:40.00045.845
2024-06-0145 Ladoga’s Goldme62.401:20:50.00046.318
2024-04-2928 Maykopme117.202:34:13.00045.598
2024-04-2928 Maykopme010:53:20.0000
2024-04-2819 Maykopme14803:21:14.00044.128
2024-04-2720 Maykopme12102:30:57.00048.095
2024-04-2652 Maykopme10802:26:56.00044.102
2024-04-2037 China Road Pro Cycling League - Puyang Stageme212.404:33:25.00046.61
2024-04-1237 China Road Pro Cycling League - Jiyuan Stageme151.203:43:53.00040.521
2024-04-0760 China Road Pro Cycling League - Shitai Stageme174.503:56:50.00044.208
2023-12-1731 The Inaugural Yantian 100 Classic10003:27:41.00028.89
2023-11-0511 Tour of Yellow RiverME111.302:29:01.00044.814
2023-11-0436 Tour of Yellow RiverME111.302:26:01.00045.735
2023-10-27DNS Tour of Tea Horse8000:00:00.000
2023-10-266 Tour of Tea Horse7201:35:27.00045.259
2023-10-2431 Tour of Tea Horse9302:07:36.00043.73
2023-10-2313 Tour of Tea Horse8801:56:46.00045.218
2023-10-2229 Tour of Tea Horse10002:12:13.00045.38
2023-10-2179 Tour of Tea Horse7702:10:15.00035.47
2023-10-2023 Tour of Tea Horse9002:03:13.00043.825
2023-06-2854 Five Rings of Moscow010:34:28.0000
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