Nicole Oh

NaamNicole Oh
Leeftijd48 jaar en + 0 dagen

Op startlijst van

Geen deelnames.

Laatste tijdritten

2024-11-3034 Tour of BrightWE17.800:28:2937.496

Laatste koersen

2024-12-0143 Tour of BrightWE006:41:18.0000
2024-12-0137 Tour of BrightWE63.902:39:05.00024.101
2024-11-3044 Tour of BrightWE93.703:33:44.00026.304
2024-05-124 Tour of Orangewe002:02:11.0000
2024-05-124 Tour of Orangewe002:49:09.0000
2024-05-113 Tour of Orangewe3.600:05:42.00037.895
2024-05-111 Tour of Orangewe000:41:19.0000
2024-04-1412 Tour de Brisbanewe81.202:08:08.00038.023
2024-01-1858 Women's Down Under CriteriumWE40.800:53:29.00045.771
2024-01-0522 National Championships Australia WE - Criterium000:50:50.0000
2023-01-0624 National Championships Australia WE - Criterium000:59:25.0000
2022-01-2542 Santos Festival of Cycling86.902:18:37.00037.615
2022-01-2552 Santos Festival of Cycling007:05:04.0000
2022-01-2464 Santos Festival of Cycling85.702:31:34.00033.926
2022-01-2362 Santos Festival of Cycling85.402:14:53.00037.988
2022-01-0813 Bay Crits Geelong001:00:35.0000
2022-01-0812 Bay Crits Geelong000:00:00.000
2022-01-0810 Bay Crits Geelong000:56:00.0000
2021-05-0841 Grafton to Inverell Cycle Classic - NRS22804:12:04.00054.271
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