Nick Kergozou De La Boessiere

NaamNick Kergozou De La Boessiere
Leeftijd28 jaar en + 261 dagen

Op startlijst van

Geen deelnames.

Laatste tijdritten

2024-11-0977 Tour of Southlandme1300:18:0543.134
2024-11-0314 Tour of Southlandme4.200:04:4453.239
2024-03-236 Te Awamutu Cycling Tourme000:12:430
2023-11-0487 SBS Bank Tour of Southland1300:18:3142.124
2023-10-295 SBS Bank Tour of Southland4.200:04:5251.781
2023-09-163 Tour of Poyang Lake22.800:29:0447.064

Laatste koersen

2024-11-0972 Tour of Southlandme020:14:44.0000
2024-11-096 Tour of Southlandme7701:40:50.00045.818
2024-11-0886 Tour of Southlandme15103:25:56.00043.995
2024-11-0789 Tour of Southlandme15403:36:11.00042.742
2024-11-0692 Tour of Southlandme11203:21:45.00033.309
2024-11-0520 Tour of Southlandme14803:20:24.00044.311
2024-11-0430 Tour of Southlandme16603:37:24.00045.814
2024-11-0358 Tour of Southlandme4200:49:25.00050.995
2024-09-02132 The Tour of Poyang Lake Criteriumme37.600:51:00.00044.235
2024-03-2432 Te Awamutu Cycling Tourme002:10:11.0000
2024-03-2431 Te Awamutu Cycling Tourme003:18:06.0000
2024-03-231 Te Awamutu Cycling Tourme000:55:18.0000
2023-11-0670 SBS Bank Tour of Southland020:00:28.0000
2023-11-041 SBS Bank Tour of Southland7701:43:36.00044.595
2023-11-0369 SBS Bank Tour of Southland15103:13:51.00046.737
2023-11-0285 SBS Bank Tour of Southland15403:33:09.00043.35
2023-11-01101 SBS Bank Tour of Southland10802:55:16.00036.972
2023-10-317 SBS Bank Tour of Southland14803:30:00.00042.286
2023-10-3058 SBS Bank Tour of Southland16603:50:27.00043.22
2023-10-292 SBS Bank Tour of Southland4200:51:09.00049.267
2023-09-1838 Tour of Poyang Lake012:50:00.0000
2023-09-181 Tour of Poyang Lake129.902:57:42.00043.86
2023-09-178 Tour of Poyang Lake87.901:59:33.00044.115
2023-09-1553 Tour of Poyang Lake88.502:40:21.00033.115
2023-09-144 Tour of Poyang Lake10402:13:29.00046.747
2023-09-133 Tour of Poyang Lake11502:30:05.00045.974
2023-01-2328 National Criterium Championships - New Zealand000:00:00.000
2022-01-163 National Criterium Championships New Zealand012:27:10.0000
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