Mark O'Brien

NaamMark O'Brien
Leeftijd37 jaar en + 172 dagen

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2025-02-084 Powercor Melbourne to Warrnambool Cycling Classicme265.906:19:29.00042.041
2025-01-243 RADL GRVLme003:00:18.0000
2024-12-223 Victorian Criterium Championshipsme000:52:00.0000
2024-10-2625 UCI Gravel World Series ME - Gravelista003:53:26.0000
2024-06-222 National Championships Australia ME - GravelME10603:28:50.00030.455
2024-04-253 Damion Drapac ANZAC Day ClassicME106.502:17:04.80046.62
2024-02-031 Powercor Melbourne to Warrnambool Cycling Classic265.906:24:05.00041.538
2022-02-1924 Melbourne to Warrnambool Cycling Classic - NRSme265.906:08:05.00043.343
2021-05-0839 Grafton to Inverell Cycle Classic - NRS22805:57:05.00038.31
2021-05-0157 Melbourne to Warrnambool Cycling Classic - NRS26706:04:44.00043.923
2021-01-2422 Santos Festival of Cycling008:19:34.0000
2021-01-2470 Santos Festival of Cycling001:00:44.0000
2021-01-2317 Santos Festival of Cycling001:58:16.0000
2021-01-2240 Santos Festival of Cycling002:40:26.0000
2021-01-2126 Santos Festival of Cycling002:40:08.0000
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