Mackenzie Coupland

NaamMackenzie Coupland
Leeftijd19 jaar en + 151 dagen

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2025-01-10DNS National Championships Australia - Criteriumwe000:00:00.000
2025-01-059 WA State Criterium Championshipswe000:51:23.4180
2024-08-1120 16de Las Montage Holland Profwielerronde Etten-LeurBelofte (club), Belofte (UCI), Elite (club), Prof-B (UCI) (V)001:28:39.0000
2023-07-2824 Bambrugge Erpe-Mere WE9002:20:16.00038.498
2023-01-061 National Championships Australia WJ - Criterium000:25:28.0000
2022-05-2218 Ronde van Vlaanderen001:39:55.0000
2022-01-2548 Santos Festival of Cycling86.902:19:11.00037.461
2022-01-2569 Santos Festival of Cycling007:26:18.0000
2022-01-2477 Santos Festival of Cycling85.702:42:49.00031.582
2022-01-2371 Santos Festival of Cycling85.402:24:18.00035.509

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