Logan Edgar

NaamLogan Edgar
Leeftijd33 jaar en + 213 dagen

Op startlijst van

Geen deelnames.

Laatste tijdritten

2010-11-0180 Tour of Southland8.400:11:0345.611

Laatste koersen

2010-11-0671 Tour of Southland021:38:30.0000
2010-11-0680 Tour of Southland64.401:27:20.00044.244
2010-11-0689 Tour of Southland7901:45:04.00045.114
2010-11-0547 Tour of Southland163.603:51:59.00042.313
2010-11-0478 Tour of Southland133.903:52:14.00034.595
2010-11-0399 Tour of Southland88.402:06:19.00041.99
2010-11-03100 Tour of Southland101.702:33:08.00039.848
2010-11-0259 Tour of Southland16503:48:21.00043.354
2010-11-0146 Tour of Southland81.602:03:02.00039.794