Joseph Turnbull

NaamJoseph Turnbull
Leeftijd18 jaar en + 281 dagen

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Geen deelnames.

Laatste tijdritten

2024-07-1385 Bizkaiko Itzuliamj2.800:06:3425.584
2024-06-2925 National Championships Great Britain MJ - ITTmj3000:43:2041.538
2024-05-2622 360cycling Junior Tour of North Westmj16.0900:21:4244.488
2023-08-2536 SD Sealants Junior Tour of Walesmj000:15:180
2023-08-1843 Fenwick's Tour Of Mendipmj000:18:400
2023-05-1318 Vuelta a las Comarcas Region de Murcia900:07:1774.142

Laatste koersen

2024-07-2866 GP Paco Cepedamj6801:50:05.00037.063
2024-07-2710 Trofeo Club Ciclista Estellamj8202:09:28.00038.002
2024-07-2354 Vuelta a Pamplona Juniormj113.302:54:53.00038.872
2024-07-2244 Vuelta a Pamplona Juniormj109.502:54:14.00037.708
2024-07-2087 Vuelta a Pamplona Juniormj111.902:49:28.00039.618
2024-07-14DNS Bizkaiko Itzuliamj98.300:00:00.000
2024-07-1384 Bizkaiko Itzuliamj68.501:41:45.00040.393
2024-07-12149 Bizkaiko Itzuliamj95.802:32:28.00037.7
2024-07-11132 Bizkaiko Itzuliamj95.402:24:09.00039.709
2024-06-16DNF CAMS Yorkshire Classicmj000:00:00.000
2024-06-0217 Yorkshire, NW & NE Regional Road Championshipsme000:00:00.000
2024-05-2673 360cycling Junior Tour of North Westmj48.2801:03:24.00045.691
2024-05-2655 360cycling Junior Tour of North Westmj003:53:53.0000
2024-05-2559 360cycling Junior Tour of North Westmj95.8802:28:47.00038.666
2024-05-0533 Isle of Man Steam Packet Holidays Youth & Junior Tourmj005:02:27.0000
2024-05-0534 Isle of Man Steam Packet Holidays Youth & Junior Tourmj002:12:19.0000
2024-05-0433 Isle of Man Steam Packet Holidays Youth & Junior Tourmj002:50:08.0000
2024-03-1746 ANEXO/CAMS Junior CiCLE Classicmj000:27:47.0000
2023-09-24DNF 360cycling North West Junior Racemj000:00:00.000
2023-08-2823 SD Sealants Junior Tour of Walesmj009:22:19.0000
2023-08-2825 SD Sealants Junior Tour of Walesmj002:45:58.0000
2023-08-2763 SD Sealants Junior Tour of Walesmj000:59:33.0000
2023-08-2772 SD Sealants Junior Tour of Walesmj002:25:56.0000
2023-08-2629 SD Sealants Junior Tour of Walesmj002:55:34.0000
2023-08-2039 Fenwick's Tour Of Mendipmj003:04:35.0000
2023-08-2038 Fenwick's Tour Of Mendipmj005:58:07.0000
2023-08-196 Fenwick's Tour Of Mendipmj002:34:22.0000
2023-05-2851 MAS Design Yorkshire Classicmj000:00:00.000
2023-05-1431 Vuelta a las Comarcas Region de Murcia007:05:11.0000
2023-05-1429 Vuelta a las Comarcas Region de Murcia11502:51:06.00040.327
2023-05-1386 Vuelta a las Comarcas Region de Murcia6601:30:20.00043.838
2023-05-1245 Vuelta a las Comarcas Region de Murcia9902:36:28.00037.963
2023-04-3016 Isle of Man Youth & Junior Tourmj000:00:00.000
2023-04-3015 Isle of Man Youth & Junior Tourmj000:00:00.000
2023-04-299 Isle of Man Youth & Junior Tourmj000:00:00.000
2023-04-2836 Isle of Man Youth & Junior Tourmj000:00:00.000
2023-03-26DNF ANEXO/CAMS Junior CiCLE Classicmj000:00:00.000
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Renners die vaak samen in een uitslag zitten

1JONES Sion4
2HURT Joel4
3SMITH Nathan4
4CLARK Iwan4
5SPEED Jake4
6DAWSON Oliver4
9MEAD Tom4
10GRINDLEY Sebastian4