Jeremy Vennell

NaamJeremy Vennell
Leeftijd44 jaar en + 116 dagen

Op startlijst van

Geen deelnames.

Laatste tijdritten

2010-11-01108 Tour of Southland8.400:11:4043.2

Laatste koersen

2010-11-0690 Tour of Southland021:58:44.0000
2010-11-0695 Tour of Southland7901:46:13.00044.626
2010-11-0697 Tour of Southland64.401:29:23.00043.23
2010-11-0583 Tour of Southland163.603:58:08.00041.221
2010-11-0488 Tour of Southland133.903:58:34.00033.676
2010-11-0386 Tour of Southland101.702:33:08.00039.848
2010-11-03106 Tour of Southland88.402:07:04.00041.742
2010-11-0296 Tour of Southland16503:49:20.00043.169
2010-11-0187 Tour of Southland81.602:05:15.00039.09