Jason Thomason

NaamJason Thomason
Leeftijd31 jaar en + 88 dagen

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2023-04-0228 Tour de Brisbane102.2102:21:59.00043.192
2023-02-0414 Melbourne to Warrnambool Cycling Classic265.907:08:30.00037.232
2023-01-0613 National Championships Australia ME - Criterium001:03:26.0000
2022-02-1980 Melbourne to Warrnambool Cycling Classic - NRSme265.906:17:47.00042.231
2022-01-2811 Santos Festival of Cycling002:29:52.0000
2022-01-2743 Santos Festival of Cycling002:46:49.0000
2022-01-1420 National Criterium Championships Australia001:01:05.0000
2021-12-1940 Cycle Sunshine Coast - NRS005:42:29.0000
2021-12-1956 Cycle Sunshine Coast - NRS020:44:20.0000
2021-12-1962 Cycle Sunshine Coast - NRS001:42:04.0000
2021-12-1834 Cycle Sunshine Coast - NRS003:00:08.0000
2021-12-1763 Cycle Sunshine Coast - NRS000:51:51.0000
2021-05-0855 Grafton to Inverell Cycle Classic - NRS22805:58:24.00038.17
2021-05-0170 Melbourne to Warrnambool Cycling Classic - NRS26706:04:44.00043.923
2021-01-2435 Santos Festival of Cycling000:59:55.0000
2021-01-2460 Santos Festival of Cycling008:37:50.0000
2021-01-2326 Santos Festival of Cycling001:58:48.0000
2021-01-2269 Santos Festival of Cycling002:47:24.0000
2021-01-2160 Santos Festival of Cycling002:51:43.0000
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