Chelsea Holmes

NaamChelsea Holmes
Leeftijd23 jaar en + 316 dagen

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2023-01-06DNF National Championships Australia WE - Criterium000:00:00.000
2023-01-0315 Bay Crits000:55:00.0000
2023-01-0219 Bay Crits000:57:30.0000
2022-01-2535 Santos Festival of Cycling86.902:17:55.00037.805
2022-01-2550 Santos Festival of Cycling007:03:23.0000
2022-01-2462 Santos Festival of Cycling85.702:31:34.00033.926
2022-01-2342 Santos Festival of Cycling85.402:13:54.00038.267
2022-01-14DNS National Criterium Championships Australia000:00:00.000
2022-01-08DNS Bay Crits Geelong000:56:26.0000
2022-01-08DNS Bay Crits Geelong001:00:53.0000
2021-05-01DNS Melbourne to Warrnambool Cycling Classic - NRS26700:00:00.000
2021-01-2414 Santos Festival of Cycling007:07:16.0000
2021-01-2422 Santos Festival of Cycling000:57:14.0000
2021-01-239 Santos Festival of Cycling001:19:25.0000
2021-01-2221 Santos Festival of Cycling002:31:03.0000
2021-01-2129 Santos Festival of Cycling002:19:43.0000
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