Carlee Taylor

NaamCarlee Taylor
Leeftijd35 jaar en + 335 dagen

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2022-01-2519 Santos Festival of Cycling006:54:33.0000
2022-01-2519 Santos Festival of Cycling86.902:17:26.00037.938
2022-01-2444 Santos Festival of Cycling85.702:23:42.00035.783
2022-01-2317 Santos Festival of Cycling85.402:13:25.00038.406
2022-01-14DNS National Criterium Championships Australia000:00:00.000
2021-01-247 Santos Festival of Cycling007:05:54.0000
2021-01-2416 Santos Festival of Cycling000:57:05.0000
2021-01-238 Santos Festival of Cycling001:19:18.0000
2021-01-2219 Santos Festival of Cycling002:31:03.0000
2021-01-219 Santos Festival of Cycling002:18:31.0000
2015-01-3112 Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race - Elite Women's Race11303:03:23.00036.972
2015-01-2015 Santos Women's Tourwe001:05:27.0000
2015-01-2011 Santos Women's Tourwe004:48:58.0000
2015-01-1911 Santos Women's Tourwe7101:47:27.00039.646
2015-01-1837 Santos Women's Tourwe23.800:32:25.00044.051
2015-01-1728 Santos Women's Tourwe5901:23:39.00042.319
2014-01-2114 Santos Women's Cupwe000:00:00.000
2014-01-2017 Santos Women's Cupwe002:43:07.0000
2014-01-1928 Santos Women's Cupwe000:37:55.0000
2013-03-2058 Dwars door Vlaanderen - A travers la Flandre WE7701:58:30.00038.987
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