Callum McCaffrey

NaamCallum McCaffrey
Leeftijd17 jaar en + 331 dagen

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2024-03-0948 Rás Mhaigh Eome3.400:05:5434.576

Laatste koersen

2024-08-1238 Trofeo Junior Moixentmj87.102:29:15.00035.015
2024-07-1485 Junior Tour of Irelandmj74.401:38:30.00045.32
2024-07-1486 Junior Tour of Irelandmj014:37:58.0000
2024-07-1394 Junior Tour of Irelandmj112.702:58:19.00037.921
2024-07-1290 Junior Tour of Irelandmj10302:34:07.00040.099
2024-07-1185 Junior Tour of Irelandmj122.803:13:02.00038.17
2024-07-1092 Junior Tour of Irelandmj93.702:41:42.00034.768
2024-07-0987 Junior Tour of Irelandmj63.601:32:18.00041.343
2024-03-23OTL Trofeo Castillo de Onda8002:01:56.00039.366
2024-03-1040 Rás Mhaigh Eome10802:33:19.00042.265
2024-03-1044 Rás Mhaigh Eome005:24:47.0000
2024-03-0955 Rás Mhaigh Eome10402:45:34.00037.689
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