Andrew Scarano

NaamAndrew Scarano
Leeftijd37 jaar en + 43 dagen

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2024-10-065 Tobago International Cycling Classicme12304:22:33.00028.109
2024-10-066 Tobago International Cycling Classicme000:00:00.000
2024-10-0511 Tobago International Cycling Classicme500:06:12.00048.387
2024-10-032 Tobago International Cycling Classicme9002:09:44.00041.624
2024-10-0212 Tobago International Cycling Classicme10002:35:57.00038.474
2024-09-0827 National Championships United States ME - Gravelme006:22:52.0000
2024-05-1731 National Championships United States ME - Criteriumme001:29:11.0000
2024-05-058 Spin the District College Parkme000:00:00.000
2024-05-0422 LaGrange Cycling Classicme000:00:00.000
2024-05-035 Spin the District Hapevilleme000:00:00.000
2024-04-3013 Spin the District Union Cityme000:00:00.000
2024-04-2818 The Curiosity Lab Criteriumme000:00:00.000
2024-04-2630 Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System Criteriumme000:00:00.000
2024-04-2510 Greenville Cycling Classic presented by Prisma Healthme000:00:00.000
2024-04-2022 Rock & Road Criterium p/b 75 Jackson Propertiesme000:00:00.000
2024-04-1315 Sunny King Criteriumme001:06:45.0000
2023-10-0110 Tour of Tobago000:00:00.000
2023-09-3013 Tour of Tobago001:21:11.0000
2023-09-299 Tour of Tobago002:14:52.0000
2023-09-2812 Tour of Tobago002:36:13.0000
2023-05-0629 Sunny King Criterium000:00:00.000
2023-04-228 Athens Orthopedic Clinic Twilight Criterium000:00:00.000
2022-09-0445 The Bommarito Audi Gateway Cup000:00:00.000
2022-04-1033 Sunny King Criterium001:30:58.0000
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