Alexander Ray

NaamAlexander Ray
Leeftijd34 jaar en + 104 dagen

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Geen deelnames.

Laatste tijdritten

2010-11-0157 Tour of Southland8.400:10:2548.384

Laatste koersen

2017-01-2911 Gravel and Tar Classic10000:00:00.000
2016-01-173 Gravel and Tar Cycle Classic10102:42:55.00037.197
2010-11-065 Tour of Southland7901:44:44.00045.258
2010-11-066 Tour of Southland64.401:27:20.00044.244
2010-11-0612 Tour of Southland021:04:09.0000
2010-11-059 Tour of Southland163.603:44:41.00043.688
2010-11-0429 Tour of Southland133.903:45:04.00035.696
2010-11-036 Tour of Southland101.702:15:37.00044.994
2010-11-037 Tour of Southland88.402:06:19.00041.99
2010-11-029 Tour of Southland16503:48:21.00043.354
2010-11-0119 Tour of Southland81.602:01:40.00040.241
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